Timber Resources

Ensuring the future of the forests.

You will find no better steward of our natural resources than Battle Lumber Company. That’s because our future has always been tied to the sustainability of the United State’s forests. We live by the Georgia Sustainable Forestry Initiative and the guidelines set forth by the U.S. Forestry Service. That’s why we staff registered foresters and contract loggers, all of whom have been certified as Master Timber Harvesters.

We want to protect the woodlands that have been so good to us over the years and our sound harvesting methods continue to create strong relationships with landowners. This, coupled with our strategically located log concentrations around the Southeastern United States, ensures an uninterrupted supply of high-quality lumber and high-grade logs for our manufacturing operations.

“We take a special effort in the forestry part of it and keeping it in good shape.”

Craig Miller Vice President January 19, 2017


Global Shipping

We ship throughout the United States as well as these international destinations: