Prime cuts from the Hardwood Authority.
At the heart of Battle Lumber Company’s grade mill division is of the most technologically advanced hardwood mills in the country. This modern marvel produces more than 90 million BF of lumber per year and is completely optimized from our 3D head rig and maxi-mill breakdown machines to our edgers and curve sawing gang.
But the technology doesn’t stop there – it continues through the optimized trim saw to our 57 bay sorter where, just before our grade lumber is stacked, it is dipped in an environmentally-friendly, anti-stain dip, using an automatic stick laying stacker and dipping station. Our saws are all maintained in house with a cutting-edge saw filer to ensure the finest quality band-sawn hardwoods possible.
Our grade Lumber Mill exemplifies Battle Lumber Campany’s commitment to realizing the maximum yield from every log processed.